As the nation is responding to the unprecedented challenges brought upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic, tens of thousands of schools have been forced to shut down, creating virtual, home-based learning experiences throughout our communities. Meeting these challenges requires leadership, and leadership during these critical times necessitates empathetic innovation that keeps an eagle eye on equity.
Transcend and AASA, The School Superintendents Association have teamed up to highlight inspiring and actionable stories of leadership from across our education system. These stories are being generated by young people, families, educators, principals, superintendents and other system leaders, non-profits, business, policy-makers, and more.
There's no rule book for what 2020 has brought us.
But leaders like you need answers, yesterday.
We’ve gathered and documented reopening plans from five innovative districts to help your leadership team launch the year safely and strategically, with compassion for students and their families, and practical approaches to ensure an equitable experience.
Leading for Equity: Reinventing Denver Public Schools
Denver Public Schools is the largest district in the state of Colorado, with approximately 93,000 students and over 200 schools. Under the leadership of our superintendent, Susana Cordova, our vision is clear: to ensure every child succeeds. We are committed to equitable outcomes for our students, not by accident but by design. Over the past several years, we’ve been redesigning our system for every child.
From Brick-and-Mortar to Virtual School: Embracing Prototyping to Scale
Schools and systems across the nation found themselves having to reinvent summer learning. Phalen Leadership Academies (PLA), whose racial justice and equity-focused approach to school turnaround we featured in this blog a few weeks ago, approached the reinvention of their Summer Advantage program with an R&D mindset.
Cleveland Metropolitan Schools (CMSD) is a district on the move. In this blogpost co-created with Chief Portfolio Officer Christine Fowler-Mack, we explore how Ohio’s second largest school district, serving almost 39,000 students, shifted gears before and during Coronavirus. We also look into how they may move forward differently as they go into the future. |