AASA and Sourcewell Present Helping Kids Mini Grant Program
AASA is looking for applications to the 2023 Helping Kids Mini Grant Program. The focus of the program this year is a continuation of AASA’s Live Well. Lead Well. initiative.
AASA launched the Live Well. Lead Well. initiative as a result of the many challenges that have arisen since February 2020, which made the Superintendent’s job even harder than it already is. AASA recognizes that if you aren’t living well, you can’t lead well.
In partnership with Sourcewell, a total of $40,000 in grants will be given in 2023 to 16 AASA member public school districts ($2,500 each) who will use the funds to promote healthy students, staff, and/or buildings.
AASA is accepting applications through 11:59pm PT on Sunday, November 13, 2022. Winners will be announced on January 5, 2023.